Welcome to
the Vanhu Gallery:


“Vanhu” is a Xitsonga word, meaning “People”.

The Vanhu gallery hosts exhibitions by some of Africas most exciting artists. Marcel Herholdt is one such artist.
Marcel Herholdt grew up in a small town near Cape Town, South Africa. He has no formal art education, yet developed his craft into its current incarnation of Afro-pop style protest paintings that deal with his concern about the subtle intrusion of our personal space that the corporate world and governments pursue under the pretence of convenience and safety.

His clear narrative, good compositions, clever colour combinations and use of the best materials available, combined with a perfectionists attitude to detail and finishing, sets him apart from the rest.
Marcel Herholdt

Current Exhibiting Artist:
Marcel Herholdt

Exhibition:Each piece comes as a set: the physical piece and the NFT of the artwork.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Africarare?

Africarare is an AI-powered 3D mixed reality experience that is set in Ubuntuland, a virtual world that marries creativity and commerce.

What is Ubuntuland?

Ubuntuland is a circular region in Africarare in which users can create and monetize experiences like art exhibitions, retail stores, concerts, film festivals, business meetings, games and social experiences.

What is the Vanhu Gallery?

It is one of Ubuntuland’s art galleries, where physical and digital art meet. The Vanhu gallery showcases work of some of Africa’s rising artists.

How do I buy one of Marcel Herholdt’s pieces?

The pieces that are currently on display in the Mila Gallery will be auctioned. We will communicate the details of the auction to our community, so be sure to follow us on Twitter @AfricarareNFT.

Will I get both the physical artwork and the NFT version of it when I buy one of Marcel’s pieces?

Yes, you will receive both.

How does my physical piece get delivered to me?

Send an email to [email protected] with your shipping details and we will send it to you.

How does my NFT piece get delivered to me?

It will be delivered straight to your wallet. Email [email protected] for any questions regarding this process.

How do I get the best performance from the Africarare experience?

It’s important that you close other tabs when you enter the Africarare metaverse experience. This is still new technology and requires a fair amount of processing power, so it’s best to keep your processing load at a minimum.

What is a NFT?

NFT stands for Non-fungible Token.
A Non-fungible Token is a digital asset that only you own.

What is a Metamask?

MetaMask is a non-custodial wallet used to interact with the blockchain. You can use it to store, trade and swap digital assets like NFTs.

Is MetaMask free?


How do you get a Metamask wallet?

Use this video to help you set up your MetaMask wallet: link

Can you use a different wallet?

Yes. Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet and WalletConnect are also accepted in Africarare, Ubuntuland.

How do I get the best performance from my Africarare experience?

It’s important that you close other tabs when you enter the Africarare metaverse experience. This is still new technology and requires a fair amount of processing power, so it’s best to keep your processing load at a minimum.

What do I do if I’m experiencing audio drop off?

All you need to do is refresh your tab.

Will I need a VR headset to access Africarare?

No. All you need is an internet connection and your computer or mobile device!

Can I use a VR headset if I have one?

Not yet but soon.

Should I access Africarare on my phone or a desktop device?

A bigger screen will be a better experience, so try to access Africarare on a desktop device.

Should I access Africarare on my phone or a desktop device?

A bigger screen will be a better experience, so try to access Africarare on a desktop device.

Can I switch between devices?

You can switch however not during a session, if you switch you will have to start again.

Where do I register an Africarare profile?

You can do it right here: sign up

What is the UBUNTU token?

The UBUNTU token is a digital currency inspired by the African concept of Ubuntu - "I am because we are". The token is central to Africarare Ubuntuland and is built on the principle of community empowerment and shared progress.

How can I purchase UBUNTU tokens?

UBUNTU Tokens can be purchased directly through the Africarare website or on Uniswap and various central exchanges in the future. We recommend creating an account for seamless transactions and access to exclusive benefits.

What is the UBUNTU token used for?

The UBUNTU token is a multi-purpose token. It serves as the primary medium of exchange within Africarare Ubuntuland. It can be used to purchase land, create social experiences, applications and games, or to set up retail stores in Ubuntuland. Also, every transaction made with the UBUNTU token contributes to various philanthropic initiatives.

How does the UBUNTU token support charitable causes?

10% of all transaction fees made with UBUNTU tokens go directly to our charity treasury. These funds are used to support initiatives like providing clean drinking water to people in Africa and offering tertiary business education to African students. When you purchase UBUNTU tokens through Africarare's website, 1% (20%) of the 5% transaction fee is also allocated to these causes.

How does the UBUNTU token’s staking mechanism work?

The UBUNTU token uses a unique staking mechanism that rewards long-term holders. The longer you hold your tokens, the higher your tier level, and the larger your rewards. The details of the staking tiers and rewards can be found in our tokenomics section.

What is the Africarare UBUNTU DAO?

The Africarare UBUNTU DAO is a proposed decentralized autonomous organization that will allow UBUNTU token holders to vote on various philanthropic initiatives to be funded in Africa. This is part of our mission to democratize decision-making and empower our community.

What is the risk involved when investing in UBUNTU tokens?

Like all cryptocurrencies, investing in UBUNTU tokens carries risk. The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely, and investors might not get back the amount they initially put in. We recommend that potential investors conduct their own due diligence, consult with a financial advisor, and only invest money they can afford to lose.

How can I get more information about UBUNTU tokens?

For more information about UBUNTU tokens, you can visit our detailed guide on our website or contact our customer support team. We're always here to help!