Drops of Life

A collaboration between Africarare and Innovation: Africa, bringing clean water to Africa.

450 million people in Africa do not have access to clean water.


Drops of Life: A unique
collection of Water Drop NFTS
mintable on Etheruem or Polygon

Each Water Drop NFT has different attributes and variations based on the type of donation from the buyer.

Mint in either ETH or Matic - connect wallet and correct network to mint

Soulbound NFT (non-transferrable)
Gas fees may vary

Emerald Drop

(~$25 USD)
NFT includes:
Save 1 life
Remote monitoring app (pump alerts etc.)
Wall of donors inscription
Soulbound NFT (not transferable)
Gas fees may vary

Tanzanite Drop

(~250 USD)
NFT includes:
Save minimum 10 lives (2 households)
Remote monitoring app (pump alerts etc.)
Wall of donors inscription
Soulbound NFT (not transferable)
Gas fees may vary

Silver Drop

(~1000 USD)
NFT includes:
Save minimum 50 lives (8 households)
1x1 village in Ubuntuland valued at $250
connected to a remote monitoring app (pump alerts etc.)
Template village to invite guests
Wall of donors inscription
Soulbound NFT (not transferable)
Gas fees may vary

Gold Drop

(~5000 USD)
NFT includes:
Save minimum 200 lives (40 households)
by providing clean water
3x3 village in Ubuntuland valued at $2500
Experience to view remote monitoring app and host in your village
Wall of donors inscription in Innovation: Africa village
Soulbound NFT (not transferable)
Gas fees may vary

Diamond Drop

(~65000 USD)
NFT includes:
Save minimum 3000 lives (250 households)
3x3 village in Ubuntuland valued at $2500
3D build experience to view visual remote monitoring
as well as invite friends to view
A physical trip to the village with Innovation Africa to
open the taps for the first time
Wall of donors inscription
Soulbound NFT (not transferable)
Gas fees may vary

Introducing the
Innovation: Africa

Since 2008, using Israeli solar and water
technology, Innovation: Africa has delivered
access to clean water and light to
more than 4 million
people across 10
African countries.
To further this mission, Africarare is creating a custom Innovation: Africa village in Ubuntuland to showcase the organization's life-changing work. Through this village, viewers can learn more about the technology used, experience the success stories and witness the impact of their life-changing work.
First off, our aim is to help get clean drinking water to the people of
Karamoja in Uganda
The region is experiencing extreme famine and the people there are in urgent need of assistance.
All proceeds from the sales will be donated to support Innovation: Africa's ongoing projects.
Save a life.
Mint a Drop of Life.
“We are truly excited to launch this partnership with Africarare, taking this unique opportunity to create NFTs for good and enable each buyer to make a direct, significant and transformative impact with each Drop of Life purchased. Access to water is a right, not a privilege and we are grateful for your support.”
Sivan Ya'ari, Founder and CEO, Innovation: Africa
Sivan Ya'ari


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Ubuntuland?

Ubuntuland is a circular region in Africa’s Metaverse in which users can create and monetize experiences like art exhibitions, concerts, film festivals, business meetings, games and social experiences.

What is Innovation: Africa?

Since 2008, using Israeli solar and water technology, Innovation: Africa has delivered access to clean water and light to more than 4 million people across 10 African countries.

What is Africarare?

Africarare is a metaverse for African creativity. It’s a 3D virtual reality experience that is set in Ubuntuland, a virtual world which marries creativity and commerce.

What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a 3D virtual environment in which people from all over the world come together and enjoy interactive experiences.

What is the Drops of Life campaign?

It’s the campaign through which we are selling a series of NFTs to raise funds for the long list of schools, orphanages, medical centres and villages that are waiting for Innovation: Africa’s help to bring them access to clean water and light.

What chain can I Mint a Drop of Life on?

Drops of Life NFT's can be minted on either Ethereum or Polygon (Matic) just connect to one of those networks and you can purchase in either network.

Will I need a VR headset to access Africarare?

No. All you need is an internet connection and your computer or mobile device!

Can I use a VR headset if I have one?


How do I get the best performance from the Africarare experience?

It’s important that you close other tabs when you enter the Africarare metaverse experience. This is still new technology and requires a fair amount of processing power, so it’s best to keep your processing load at a minimum.

What do I do if I’m experiencing audio drop off?

All you need to do is refresh your tab.

What is a NFT?

NFT stands for Non-fungible Token. A Non-fungible Token is a digital asset that only you own.

How do I mint my Drops of Life NFT?

On the Innovation: Africa landing page at africarare.io, simply click on the Mint button. This will link you to your wallet and send the NFT to your wallet.

What is a Metamask?

MetaMask is a non-custodial wallet used to interact with the blockchain. You can use it to store, trade and swap digital assets like NFTs.

Is MetaMask free?


How do you get a Metamask wallet?

Use this video to help you set up your MetaMask wallet: link

Can you use a different wallet?

Yes. Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet and WalletConnect are also accepted in Africarare, Ubuntuland.

Should I access Africarare on my phone or a desktop device?

A bigger screen will be a better experience, so try to access Africarare on a desktop device.

Can I switch between devices?

You can switch however not during a session, if you switch you will have to start again.